

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ups, Downs, and the Slopes in Between

I am finally done with this semester. As I stood in line for my physiology final, the curly haired girl asked me what test I was there to take, and I confidently said "PDBIO 305", confident because I knew I prepared the very best I could, and there was absolutely no more I could do. I woke up at 5:30AM to continue studying and was very devoted until 12:30PM. When my brain could literally take no more, I blasted ACDC Hells Bells, put on my makeup, and marched right up to the JSB to destroy my last final. The curly haired girl handed me a packet of blue papers, I looked down at the test and read the first question, and I thought to myself...well I'm screwed. The first 25 questions were vague, and the next 90 were a little hazy, finally when the questions began to focus on the reproduction system, I finally started to feel confident. As I left the rows and rows of students still taking tests I could not wipe the huge grin off my face. I was finished.

Now, to really sum up the last couple of weeks. There has certainly been a lot of ups and downs and slopes in between. A particular event caused me to reevaluate my character and how I react to others. I sometimes find myself bottling up emotion that just begins to eat me up. I turn inward and rationalize the action by saying that I don't feel great, I am the one who needs help right now, others should be reaching out to me. A talk by Elder David A. Bednar talks about this same thing in "The Character of Christ".  When we feel the need to turn inward, it is then when we need to serve others and reach outwards. I have also gained a greater understanding of the Atonement. I have come to realize just how much I need the Atonement, and have been greatly humbled by such a realization. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have felt the lowest of  lows, and now I am on the slope upwards. I know that through it, we can gain happiness now, and in the eternities.

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