

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Yes, Missions are Great But..."

There has been quite a stir here at BYU since the announcement of the new age limits for leaving on missions.  The new age limit for young women has particularly caused a commotion. There have been quite a few blog and facebook posts concerning the issue. The most prominent of those who have somewhat critical opinions of the new age limit are among the male population. Many RMs now fear that their precious wedding date will be post-poned (though they are not currently dating someone), or that their dating prospects will vanish into thin air. They envision a mass exodus of young women from BYU, like the running of the bulls in Pamplona.  Some even seem to be concerned for the underlying motivation for young women to want to serve missions at the young age of 19, and I quote:

"Yes missions are great but I'm worried that they'll just be the thing to do once out of high school so people can get a study abroad experience and not bc they prayed about it or really understood whether or not it was truly right for them."

As a young women, who turned 19 the weekend of this announcement, I am somewhat on the defensive side to this comment and those similar to it. My reaction to President Monson's announcement was overhwhelming. I knew, without a doubt, that this announcement was an answer to my earnest prayers, and I knew that it came from God. A mission is not something that is to be taken lightly, and as young women we understand this. We understand what is expected of us. To those young men who think that those girls who have already started their mission paper are making a rash decision (those women who shouted for joy at the announcement, and knew in their hearts what they would do) those women made a decision long before this announcement. Having such an earnest desire to serve the Lord does not just happen because an age limit was changed. This desire has grown within these young women. We love the Lord, and we feel the need to serve him.

Now as far as dating goes for those RMs left behind...unless you have been on a date for the last four friday nights I do not have pity on you. A comment from a girl regarding the above the quote said this: "Perhaps you [young men] should start putting more time into a serious decision and stop "playing" around then. If you want to be married to a wonderful woman, get busy and get married. Too many of the youth have been putting marriage off; we all know this, the prophet has been talking about it for many years now. Well, I suppose this is the manifestation of the lack of effort. Since the women were not getting proposed to, now they have the opportunity to serve rather than waiting around wondering what is wrong with them because the guys only want to "hang out".
Boys, step up your game if you are so worried.

Young men, I ask you to forget your concerns and to consider the growth these young women will experience and the blessing they will be to those they teach. Missions are great there is no need to question the "but".  Our intentions are sincere and we want to serve the Lord. Please offer us support in the decision to serve, instead of questioning our sincerity.


  1. Loved this post! You are so awesome, and I'm so proud of you for making this decision! Love you Sister Allred!

  2. Well said sarah jeanne. you are amazing and i love you : )
