

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just a Little Update...

My papers are done! I have my interview with the Stake President this Thursday at 6:30pm. I am so excited!  This semester is super busy, but this is how an average day goes:
5:45AM - Stick my nose out of the covers...wonder what that awful sound is...realize it's my alarm.
               Then I visualize myself staying in bed all day.
5:47AM: Crawl out of bed...mummble just a little...and get ready for work.
6:47 AM: Leave for work- Think about where I could go on my mission while walking to work
7:01AM: Clock In- Think about going on a Mission
11:55AM: Clock Out
12:00-2:00PM: Try my best to stay awake during New Testament and Physiology..day dream about who's  life I will change in the coming 2 years.
2:00-4:00PM: Homework..probably more likely a nap somewhere in there
4:00-6:30: One of my many evening classes...pin missionary clothes on pinterest
7:00-11:00: Try to do homework/ Look up current missions in different parts of the world
11:00PM: Go to Bed

There is a good chunk of my day that is devoted to thinking about serving a mission. After my meeting with the Stake President, my papers will be submitted to Salt Lake the following Tuesday. My call will be made that Friday, and should be in my mailbox by November 14th. Hopefully.
There are times where it doesn't feel real...and then times where I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for this opportunity. In church on Sunday, a prospective sister gave a talk about how she received an answer to whether or not she should serve a mission. Her answer came slow, like a sunrise rather than a light switch, and that it was a decision between good, better, and best. As she gave this talk I contrasted my experience with receiving my answer- my answer was more of a light switch. It came quickly, immediately, and through prayer, scripture study and reading my patriarchal blessing I know that it matters greatly. This is not a decision that will be fine if I stay, or fine if I go or that it is up to me. Heavenly Father has been very direct with me- I must go.
I can be somewhat stubborn at times, and though I knew what I needed to do I prayed for a very direct confirmation of my desire. I opened my scriptures randomly and began to read. This is what I read immediately:
"Behold, this is pleasing unto your Lord, and the angels arejoice over you; the balms of your prayers have come up into the ears of the Lord of cSabaoth..."
 D&C 88:2

I have an undeniable answer. I am so grateful for personal revelation and the open communication we can have with our Heavenly Father. He loves us. He loves us beyond any love we can imagine. I want to stress the love he has for those who are struggling and those who may feel that they are too far to turn back and ask for help. He is always there to help us, and is so willing to take our hand and to lead us back into his presence.

I am so excited to get my call and to begin to better prepare myself to serve the Lord and his children. I know without a shadow of a doubt the truthfulness and the happiness that the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints can bring to your life. It will change your life for the better.

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